
ICE Graduation Ceremony 2024

Graduation day, a day that happens once in a lifetime, gives you a chance to recognise all of your time, energy, and work that you have put into gaining your qualification and to celebrate what you have achieved.

On 17th August 2024, the International Centre of Excellence (ICE) held its Graduation Ceremony at a hotel in Islamabad, marking an important milestone in the lives of its students. This special event was organised to celebrate the achievements of students who completed their Higher National Diplomas (HND), International Foundation Year (IFY), and Postgraduate Certificates (PG Cert).

The ceremony began with an inaugural address by the Academic Dean, Dr. Graham Spickett Jones. Dr. Jones welcomed everyone to the event and spoke about how important this day is for any student. He praised the students while acknowledging the challenges they had overcome to reach this point.

Following Dr. Jones, the notable guests, Waqar Shah, Country Head Pearson; Muhammad Zohaib Tariq, CEO LRN and Dr. Gulfam Baghoor, CEO of Skillsrator, took the stage to deliver their address. They congratulated the graduates on their achievements and expressed their admiration for their hard work while speaking about their bright futures.

The keynote speech, which was one of the highlights of the day, was given by Mr Usman Akram. His speech was filled with advice and appreciation for the graduates. He talked about the importance of the knowledge and skills the students had gained at ICE, and he encouraged them to use these in their future endeavours.

Mr Akram also spoke about the challenges that might come their way, reminding the graduates to face them with confidence and strength. His words were inspiring and left the students feeling motivated for what lies ahead.

After the keynote speech, students were invited to share their personal experiences. These speeches were heartfelt and gave everyone a glimpse into the journeys that had brought them to this day. Some students talked about the challenges they had overcome, while others expressed their gratitude to the teachers and staff at ICE for their support and guidance. These personal stories added a special touch to the ceremony, reminding everyone that each graduate had their own path to success.

The ceremony concluded with the traditional hat toss, a moment of celebration and joy. The graduates gathered together, caps in hand, and on the count of three, tossed them into the air. The sight of the caps rising through the air was a heart felting moment. The pride can be seen in the eyes of their parents attending the achievement of their children. The hat toss was met with loud cheers and applause, creating a memorable end to the day’s events.

The 2024 ICE Graduation Ceremony was more than just an event, it was a celebration of hard work, dedication, and the pursuit of excellence. It reflected the core values of the International Centre of Excellence, which is committed to providing high-quality education and equipping students with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the world.